Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

A Happy New Year to All!

Like most people do I made a few New Year's resolutions. How many will make it through the year is anybody's guess. Some of them are the same as last year. Above all I resolve to spend more time enjoying life, less time worrying about what will be, & spending more time with family & friends!

But above all..this will be the year i get organized!

And even if life is not always "A bowl of cherries", I will simply-
make cherry pie!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Bonne Annee

Bonne Annee-a happy new year to you all! The start of a brand new year full of possibilities, fresh ideas-relaxation! December is my busy, busy time of year. I look forward to a little breathing room in January. I try to clear my mind and shoo away all those thoughts of work, but my mind-(like the rest of me) is going in a thousand different directions! I hope to be adding lots of new things to my food line this year. I have some ideas that have not yet gone to print-look for them in early spring! But I'm jumping ahead. We still have holiday parties to attend & host so I am still in a holiday mood. And Valentine's Day is just around the corner-hmmm.....